(looking at Crumpled Piece of Paper substituting for driver's license, expired passport.....)
Yeah, I think I could be in trouble here.
After dodging more danger at the hands of my brother all weekend (rich Italian food! margaritas! buttery corn-on-the-cob!), and working on Monday (as it’s a sunny, glorious day), on Tuesday I decide to head to Malibu. Soak up some sun, hang out with the little people, show folks how it’s done, etc. The usual stuff I do at home, in other words, but under the blue California sky.
As I’m driving along, hurtling down a mountainside on my way to the coast, I notice that the car is making a loud humming sound. VERY loud. Annoyingly loud. It stops the instant I touch the brakes, and seems to only happen when I’m coasting downhill. Okay then, I’ll avoid hills/mountains while I’m here in Cali –should be simple enough, right?
Except that when I hit the coastal road, the humming sound is now continuing unabated, stopping only when I touch the brake, which I really don’t want to be doing unless I want a bunch of angry Californians beating me to a bloody pulp, and deservedly so. So I head over to Zuma Beach, park, and make a couple of phone calls.
To my mom: Hi, mom? So when you discovered all this stuff wrong with this car, what exactly was that? Anything that would cause me to think that something’s going to snap at any moment and send me hurtling off a cliff?
To my brother: Ha, nice try, but I made it to the coast unscathed! Say, do you know why the car would be making this loud humming sound?
Then, of course, it starts to pour, so where do I find myself? Yep, the Malibu Starbucks – the next stop in my Starbucks Across California Tour. Here, I pretty much assume that any pretty people – tall, leggy, blonde – who walk in are stars or starlets, so I grab a piece of paper and am about to start working the room (“excuse me, sign here please, and then write your name so it’s legible – the autograph won’t be worth much if I have no idea who you are, yes? K’thanks!”), when my phone rings. It’s Andrew, who “claims” he has “no idea” what could “possibly” be "wrong" with “the car.” Right. But supposedly he knows a guy, so………
3 hours later
I’m sitting at Frank’s Restaurant and Coffee Shop in Burbank, looking at the pouring rain outside, waiting while John (Andy’s “guy”) looks at the car at his shop. But my immediate problem is much bigger than whatever’s wrong with the car: I need to work on my computer, and I’m running low on battery power. Gadzooks! What to do?
Intrepid soul that I am, I immediately spy a couple of outlets, and the only things that seem to be plugged in are some kind of fan/ventilation system, and something else industrial-looking. Maybe a stove. No matter though – I’m sure they understand what our priorities are here. I must update my blog – my public awaits!
Okay, so how was *I* supposed to know that I was about to unplug some kind of fan element that is basically the entire restaurant’s exhaust system? Sheesh. You’d think they’d have a warning sign or something. Like I’m a mind reader!
Honestly, the audacity of people sometimes just amazes me.
So apparently the rear brakes on the car are totally shot, like practically scraping metal shot, and one of the brake drums that’s supposed to be round is oval, leading to a warp in the transmogrifier or the space modulator or whatever, causing the humming sound. Beautiful. Looks like I’ll be back at Frank’s in the morning, early, while they fix the car. I really need to figure out which outlet I can plug into……
As my faithful reader(s) know, my adored older brother Andrew has been trying to kill me for some years now. Oh sure, it’s not obvious right off the bat, but really, what turnip truck did *I* just fall off of? Is someone really going to try to tell me that when I visit him and he’s plying me with steaks and lamb chops and rich French sauces and espresso at midnight with heavy cream – that he’s not up to something? And then when I ask him where I should go hiking, he gives me perfect directions to some beautiful places, and then adds “Oh, and make sure you say hi to the baby bears while you’re hiking around – they’re really friendly!” Hmph.
I’m not sure why this is so – perhaps it’s because I was always considered the “special” child growing up, and maybe he still resents that. Who knows? All I know is that I try to handle things with the usual equanimity that I’m known for, the calmness, the reasoning, the sunshiney mien. So when it starts – I’m ready.
Andrew: So I was thinking that after we eat these awesome short ribs that I’ve been cooking to a state of perfection all day, that then we should go to the movies.
Me, suspiciously: A movie, huh? Hmm. Which one?
Andrew: The Alice in Wonderland movie is playing in 3D, and…
Me: Oh, I can’t do 3D anything – I totally get motion sickness with anything like that.
Andrew, smiling expansively: Okay, no problem, we’ll go to the 2D one then….
Me: Hmm….
Me: So you’re SURE we’re going to the 2D one? Because really, I get sick as a dog puking ill with any kind of those virtual reality kinds of things. I’m very sensitive, you know.
Andrew, innocently: Oh, didn’t I mention it? They didn’t have the 2D one, so we’re going to the 3D one. Is that a problem? I had no idea!
Me: Curses! Nice try! Unfortunately I can’t go – I have work to do. Shucks.
Andrew handles this with grace, seemingly, but I’m sure he’s plotting and scheming away. Must stay on my toes. Is that a cookbook I see open on his nightstand? “101 Ways to Make a Heart-Stoppingly Rich Pie, with Real Lard!” Hmm….
Weather update:
Wednesday – Friday
Seal Beach, CA – High of 60, windy.
Chicago, IL – 82 and sunny.
So it’s no surprise that when I get to my brother’s on Saturday and am sitting in the living room with the news on in the background, I soon hear Angela burst out laughing as the weather forecast is on.
Weather forecaster: We’ve got some kind of front moving in that we very rarely ever see, with split jet streams, so that means there’s a good chance of rain every day. Very unusual weather pattern!
Grandma gives me the grand tour of LeisureWorld, as we go past the golf course, the rec center, the park square, and of course the swimming pool and Jacuzzi. I check out the water temp of the pool as we pass by – 86 degrees. Brr! Are those harp seals I see swimming around in there?
I then decide to read the LeisureWorld/Seal Beach local gazette, see just what kind of establishment my grandmother has gotten herself involved in. Aha! I knew it was a hotbed of criminal and other nefarious activity! To wit:
The first article I read: LWer receives death threat from scammer
“…..the man called to say he had a “package”……then speaking with an accent, he announced ‘I’m in trouble and I’m your grandson.’ So the resident just hung up.”
Shudder! And the second article I notice, where I’m quite certain that “bunny of the week” is just a code phrase for something involving drugs or gun-running: Rosie Andrews bunny of the week
“Rosie Andrew won ‘bunny of the week’ honors at the LeisureWorld Wa-Rite Weight Loss Club thanks to her weight loss…as a result, she wore bunny ears. Rosie also ate very healthy this week, sometimes dining on tuna twice a day.”
(but then the tone gets a bit snarky)
“She said she didn’t “have to” go out to eat this week because her friend is on vacation (as if she is forced to go).”
Now is it just me, or does it seem like the article writer has some kind of long-standing feud with Rosie Andrews? Perhaps some latent jealousy over those coveted bunny ears? But at that point, my eyes drift to a third article – Learn to be ham, classes offered – and my head explodes, so the beleaguered Rosie is left to fend for herself.
Kona update: I know that many are wondering how Kona is coping in the situation he finds himself in – i.e. no petite scone every morning, just hours of playtime with his girlfriend Terra and the other Graves’ dogs. The Kone is still putting on a brave front, hiding his anguish nobly, the cloak of despair not readily apparent as he romps, plays, naps, snacks, plays some more, naps, basks in the sun, etc. So brave! I don’t know how he does it….
Where to begin? With the fact that my grandmother lives in a retirement community called LeisureWorld, with all the hokey 50s kitsch you’d expect from a place with a name like that? Or that the main road as you pull in and make your way past the traffic-directing security guards is called Golden Rain Blvd. Seriously, Golden Rain? I can’t help but think of my similarly ill-named rose bush back at home, variety “Golden Showers.” Hey, I'm not the one who originally bought it and planted it, okay?
Because my grandmother has no internet connectivity, not even any anywhere that I can steal (or rather, “borrow”), the morning after my harrowing arrival at LeisureWorld I head off to familiar stomping grounds, aka Starbucks. Where within seconds I know the names of the people who work there – hi Cam and Ryan! – and have chatted with Cam about triathlons and gotten to be buddies with Sam, who is in there even though it’s her day off. (Have fun in Alaska, Sam!) California people seem
insanely friendly to me. Oh sure, I’m my usual chipper self, smiling and chatty (I try to reserve the bitterness and cynicism and rage for those who deserve it), but usually in Chicago that only gets me scowls in return – except at my own Starbucks, of course. Here, I’m ready to invite all these folks over for some bundt cake.
But just then I receive an email which has me gasping in dismay and forgetting everything else – it’s Jennifer telling me that Kona is on a hunger strike! Yes, apparently he’s channeling his inner Gandhi, to make some deep statement about how much he misses his mom, and how it’s just not right that my life doesn’t revolve around him ALL the time.
Jennnifer: “Kona started out the first morning doing his best Gandhi impression. Was on a hunger strike and didn't want to eat, was fine otherwise so we didn't worry much.”
I of course leap into action immediately after reading this troubling missive, frantically looking for a number for Starbucks so that I can try to have an emergency shipment of petite scones delivered to The Kone, who is surely wasting away after missing one meal, the poor boy – I don’t know how he’s managing to soldier on through this kind of horrible situation, and…….oh, wait. There’s more to the email.
Jennifer, cont.: “Apparently he decided that hunger strikes are noble and all, but really, a boy has to eat. He will be leaving the statement hunger strikes to those more suited to such endeavors. Dinner last night was consumed with great enthusiasm. Dogs that play like this have to eat you know!”
Aha! So now he’s couching his grief in the form of “happy playtime antics” – poor baby. I weep for his suffering……..
Sometimes the specter of death comes lurking in obvious forms. Cancer. An assclown on the highway. A bike ride through the bucolic Wisconsin countryside. Sometimes……it does not.
So we land at the Long Beach, CA airport uneventfully, and the other passengers are in an unusually charitable mood, as they do NOT try to kill me and my grandmother as she insists on shuffling her way through the airplane to get off with everyone else instead of waiting until the end to deplane. There’s another helpful JetBlue guy with a wheelchair, and we get our luggage without a problem. So far, so good.
Then I meet Helen. An innocuous-seeming, petite Asian woman with whom my mom has arranged a pickup from the airport for me and grandma. We load our stuff in her car and set off, Helen careening a bit wildly towards our destination. They know each other and attempt to have a conversation. Key word: attempt. My grandmother is apparently in a hard-of-hearing mode tonight, even though she generally has the ability to hear a pin drop a mile away. And Helen’s English isn’t that great.
Helen: How your trip?
Grandma: No! Everything okay! You go for downtown?
Did I mention yet that my grandmother has only a rudimentary grasp of English? Yes, after being in this country for 60-some years, she still pretty much just speaks Ukrainian.
Helen, trying again: Was warm in Chicago? How was weather?
Grandma: No, house not sell yet. How is swimming pool? Is cold here! How long like this?
Helen, rallying, sensing a common theme here: It’s been cold for last 2 weeks like this.
Grandma: I no hear so good – how long like this?
Helen: 2 weeks! 2 weeks!
I chime in now, translating for my grandmother.
Me, in Ukrainian: Grandma, she said it’s been like this for 2 weeks!
Grandma: Huh?
Me, yelling: 2 WEEKS!
Grandma, peeved: Listen, don’t talk to me in that tone of voice!
I close my eyes and just shake my head. Is there a hidden camera in the car maybe? No, this is just how absurd my life always is.
I quickly become alert again, however, as I’m realizing that Helen, sweet little Helen, seems to have problems with driving at night.
Helen: 405, is north or south? Yes, south, I want south. No, north!
While she’s peering at the sign, she’s actually stopped the car on this busy road, right in the path of the people trying to get onto the on-ramp for the highway.
Me, looking nervously at cars coming up quickly behind us: Uhhh, you might want to….
Helen: Oh, south, up ahead! (giggle) I not so good drive at night!
Whew, we make it onto the highway. Surely now she knows where she’s going?
I at least have given up on the conversation, and have gone to the happy place in my head, with coneflowers and margaritas and cute HockeyBoys, lalalala. Life is good. And precious. And much more fleeting than I had imagined just a moment ago, because now we’re on a typical 8-lane California highway, and there are 2 more lanes to the right of us, where cars are getting onto the highway, and for some reason Helen seems to think that they’re merging into our lane, and she also seems to think that this requires that she come to a complete stop. So she does. On the super-highway. And sits there, peering over to the right. Oh. My. God. I brace for the crash, and think, “so this is how it ends – not with The Cancer, or even something entertaining like a runaway truck in the town of Eagle, WI – but a fiery ball of flames on a CA highway. I just hope The Kone is kept in the style to which he’s accustomed….”
But you know what they say about God protecting fools and drunks, and Helen finally gets going again –and then, thank god, lurches over 3 lanes to get off at our exit – before we go up in said flames. So I think we’ve got the first category covered, and I’m pretty damn sure that as soon as we get to our destination, the second one will be ably covered as well, at least if I have anything to say about it…..
Next up: LeisureWorld!
And of course, making the bespoke, artisan, snarky and political boozy jam that's sweeping the nation, found here at The Canning Underground.